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1. Nabaggaw
1. Clear
1. Awatan nu a nalaing ino source text (naggobwatan ino mensahe) kenasi maawatan mi meangkakkwa si damit.
1. Understanding the source text to make it understandable in translating
1. Maawatan tam kad nalaing ino binabbasa onnu dinaddingngag? On
1. Are we able to understand and comprehend what we are reading/hearing? Yes.
2. Itan a napya nu wara kamalina
2. Adequately checked
1. Korekan no bulon nu.
1. Listening to the recording upon recorded
1. Inita kad a nalaing ino miyalit si damit ino kakwanna a miangkwakwa si damit? On
1. Did we replay our recorded translation upon recording? Yes.
2. Dingngagan ino naappa a damit.
2. Checked by co-partner
1. Inulit tam kad a diningngag ino nirekord? On
1. Did the translators check their own translation? Yes.
3. Bakkan a nadagganan onnu naaramanan ino anggamma sapitan
3. Accurate
1. Awan a nedagga, napatalyan onnu naarananan
1. Nothing is added, changed or missing from the text
1. Wara kad nedagga, napatalyan onnu naarananan sino anggamma sapitan ino mensahe? On
1. Was anything added, changed or subtracted from the meaning of the text? No.
4. Gakkurog
4. Faithful
1. Usaran ino gakkurog a mangngam a damit.
1. Uses correct choice of words
1. Inusar tam kad ino gakkurog a inanggam tam a binangngat? On
1. Did we use the right choice of words? Yes
5. Ayanan si turay
5. Authoritative
1. Ino mesahe eh nakumpirma na usto na sino biblical a nagobwatan ino mensahera.
1. The text is confirmed by proper intermediary biblical source texts
1. Nisaretam kad si korwan a biblical a naggobwatan ino mensahera, liyay a meangkakwa si damit? On
1. Did we use other biblical source texts while translating? Yes.
2. Inusar tam kad ino neamparig sino pakasasapitana? On
6. Neamparig sino pakasassapitan na
6. Historical
1. Miyalit si neamparig sino pakasassapitan na si usto
1. Translate historical facts accurately
1. Nealit kad a usto ino neamparig sino pakasassapitan na? On
1. Did we translate the historical facts accurately? Yes.
7. Mattata
7. Teamwork and Unity
1. Nasilimutaran anna namuot ti tattagi
1. Understanding and asking each other
1. Inammo tam kad ino dinandam no korwan? On
2. Nappaduffon sino nauldwera kanaral nu malow a damit.
2. Asking help from the facilitators especially with diffucult words
1. Narangetam kad si duffon sino korwan kenasi mapya ino miangkakwa si damit? On
1. Did we analyze each others opinion? Yes. Did we ask each other for a better translation? Yes.
2. Nammot etan kad si duffon sino nanuldwera? On
2. Did we ask help from our facilitators? Yes.
8. Ifufuot ki Dios
8. God Centered
1. Marang si duffon anna kinasirib ki Afu.
1. Asking guidance and wisdom from the Lord
1. Nakkararag etan kad sakbay anna masindo ino miangkakwa si damit? On
1. Did we pray before and after our translation? Yes.
9. Ifufuot
9. Focus
1. Ifufuot sino miangkwa si damit
1. Concentration on translation
1. Nefufuot etan kad sino pangkakwantan si damit? On
1. Did we focus on our translation? Yes.
10. Tuntulan ino proseso
10. Step Focused
1. Tuntulan ino palikad ino aggedami-damit
1. Following the steps of oral translation
1. Sinuntol kam kad ino palikad sino aggedami-damit On
1. Did we follow the steps in oral translation? Yes.