Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
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1. Dapat dimengerti
1. Understandable/easy to understand
1. Maksud/arti dari terjemahan mudah untuk dimengerti dan dapat dibaca.
1. The meaning of the translation is easy to understand and readable, and correspond to the grammar structure in our language.
1. Is the meaning of the translation easy to understand?
2. Is it readable?
3. Does it correspond to the grammar structure in our language?
2. Tanda Baca
2. Punctuation and grammar
1. Tanda baca harus sesuai dengan teks sumber dan sesuai dengan pengalimatan dalam bahasa kita.
1. Punctuation and grammar are according to the wording in our language.
1. Is the punctuation according to the wording in our language?
2. Is the grammar according to the wording in our language?
3. Konsisten
3. Consistent
1. Gunakan kata-kata yang sama dalam konteks yang sama dan dengan ejaan yang sama.
1. Use the same words in the same context and with the same spelling.
1. Does the translation use the same words in the same context?
2. Does it use the same spelling?
4. Sesuai Dengan Budaya
4. In accordance with culture
1. Menggunakan kata-kata/penjelasan yang pantas atau sesuai dengan budaya setempat.
1. Use appropriate words or explanations that are appropriate to the local culture.
1. Does this translation use appropriate words or explanations that are appropriate to our culture?
5. Alami
5. Natural
1. Kalimatnya mengalir, tidak kaku dan mudah dibaca.
1. The sentence is smooth, not rigid and easy to read.
1. Is the sentence smooth and easy to read?
6. Jelas
6. Clear
1. Gunakan kata-kata dalam bahasa kita yang terstruktur dengan jelas dan dapat dengan efektif mengkomunikasikan maksud dari teks awal.
1. Use words in our language that are clearly structured and can effectively communicate the intent of the initial text.
1. Does the translation use words in our language that are clearly structured?
2. Does it effectively communicate the intent of the initial text?
7. Sesuai Tata Bahasa
7. Pure
1. Sesuai dengan struktur tata bahasa dalam bahasa kita.
1. Free from denominational view.
1. Is the translation free from denominational view?
8. Akurat
8. Accurate
1. Mampu menyampaikan dengan benar arti yang dimaksud oleh penulis tanpa merubah arti dari teks awal.
1. Able to convey correctly the author intended meaning without changing the meaning of the initial text.
1. Does the translation convey correctly the author's intended meaning without changing the meaning of the initial text?
9. Ringkas
9. Concise
1. Mampu menyampaikan detail/hal-hal terperinci yang dimaksud oleh penulis dengan bahasa yang sederhana.
1. Able to convey the details meant by the author with simple language.
1. Is the translation able to convey the details meant by the author with simple language?
10. Sesuai Sejarah
10. According to history
1. Menyampaikan kejadian/peristiwa sesuai dengan sejarah dalam Alkitab.
1. Delivering events according to history in the Bible.
1. Does the translation deliver events according to history in the Bible?